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隆广庆 教授 博士生导师

文章来源: 作者: 发布时间:2023年03月10日 字号:A- A+


Email:longgq@nnnu.edu.cn   longgq@amss.ac.cn










1、2018.12--至今,     信誉最好的20个网投网站 教授;

2、2012.11--2013.06,美国The University of Alabama数学系 访问学者;

3、2009.12--2018.12 ,广西师范学院数学科学学院  教授

4、1997.07--2009.12, 广西师范学院数学系  讲师、副教授;


1、2021.05-- 至今,     网投十大信誉可靠平台党委常委、副董事长;

2、2021.01-- 2021.05,网投十大信誉可靠平台 董事长助理;

3、2020.07-- 2021.05,网投十大信誉可靠平台 公司党委书记;

4、2018.12-- 2021.05,网投十大信誉可靠平台 信誉最好的20个网投网站  经理;

5、2015.06-- 2018.12,广西师范学院数学与统计科学学院  经理;

6、2012.06--2015.06, 广西师范学院数学科学学院 副经理;


1、广西数学会 副理事长(2022-2025);


3、教育部师范类专业认证专家(2021-    )



2014年获广西高校 “卓越学者”;












1、C. Li, Y. Ren, G.Long*, E.Boerman and S.Zhao, A Fast Sine Transform Accelerated High-Order Finite Difference Method for Parabolic Problems over Irregular Domains, Journal of Scientific Computing, (2023)

2L. Liu, Y. Liao and G. Long*, Error estimate of bdf2 scheme on a bakhvalov-type mesh for a singularly perturbed volterra integro-differential equation, NETW HETEROG MEDIA 18 (2023), no. 2, 547-561.

3L. Liu, Y. Liao* and G. Long, A novel parameter-uniform numerical method for a singularly perturbed volterra integro-differential equation, COMPUT APPL MATH (2023).


1、X. Zhu, D. Cheng and G. Long, Matched interface and boundary method for the helmholtz equation with a discretization by 4th-order 17-point FD scheme, Journal of Physics: Conference Series 2219 (2022), 12020.

2、L. B. Liu, C. Zhu and G. Long, Numerical analysis of a system of semilinear singularly perturbed first-order differential equations on an adaptive grid, MATH METHOD APPL SCI 45 (2022), no. 4, 2042-2057.

3、Y. Li, S. Yang and G. Long, Continuity of random attractors on a topological space and fractional delayed fitzhugh-nagumo equations with wz-noise, Discrete & Continuous Dynamical Systems - B 27 (2022), no. 10, 5977-6008.


1、C. Li, G. Long, Y. Li and S. Zhao, Alternating direction implicit (ADI) methods for solving two-dimensional parabolic interface problems with variable coefficients, Computation, 9 (2021), pp. 79-79.

2、H. Feng, G. Long and S. Zhao, FFT-Based High Order Central Difference Schemes for Poisson’s Equation with Staggered Boundaries, Journal of Scientific Computing, 86 (2021), pp. 1-25.

3、G. Long, R. Jie and L. B. Liu, Multilevel augmentation methods for eigen-problems of compact integral operators, Numerical Algorithms, 88 (2021), pp. 1523-1540.

4、G. Long, L. B. Liu and Z. Huang, Richardson Extrapolation Method on an Adaptive Grid for Singularly Perturbed Volterra Integro-Differential Equations, Numerical Functional Analysis and Optimization, 42 (2021), pp. 739-757.


1、L. B. Liu, G. Long* and Z. Cen, A robust adaptive grid method for a nonlinear singularly perturbed differential equation with integral boundary condition, Numerical Algorithms, 83 (2020), pp. 719-739.

2、C. Li, Z. Wei, G. Long, C. Campbell, S. Ashlyn and S. Zhao, Alternating direction ghost-fluid methods for solving the heat equation with interfaces, Computers & Mathematics with Applications, 80 (2020), pp. 714-732.

3、L. Liu, Z. Liang, G. Long and Y. Liang, Convergence analysis of a finite difference scheme for a Riemann–Liouville fractional derivative two-point boundary value problem on an adaptive grid, Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics, 375 (2020), pp. 112809.


1、H. Feng, G. Long and S. Zhao, An augmented matched interface and boundary ( MIB ) method for solving elliptic interface problem, Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics, 361 (2019), pp. 426-443.

2、L.B. Liu, H. Leng and G. Long, Analysis of the SDFEM for singularly perturbed differential–difference equations, Calcolo, 55 (2018), pp. 23.

3、P. Das, G. Nelakanti and G. Long, Discrete Legendre spectral Galerkin method for Urysohn integral equations, International Journal of Computer Mathematics, 95 (2018), pp. 465-489.

4、L.B. Liu, G. Long, Z. Huang and A. Ouyang, Rational spectral collocation and differential evolution algorithms for singularly perturbed problems with an interior layer, Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics, 335 (2018), pp. 312-322.