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覃城阜 教授

文章来源: 作者: 发布时间:2023年03月17日 字号:A- A+

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覃城阜,教授,2004年7月于广西师范大学数学系获得理学硕士学位,2010年6月于厦门大学数学科学学院获理学博士学位,2015.3-2016.3在美国路易斯安那州立大学(LSU)进行学术访问;主要从事图的连通性研究,主持国家自然科学基金2项,国家自然科学基金数学天元基金1项,广西自然科学基金2项;是Journal of combitorial theory, Ser.B,Discrete Mathematics,Graph and  CombintroicsDiscussiones Mathematicae: Graph Theory等期刊的审稿人;在Journal of combitorial theory, Ser.B, Discrete Mathematics,Graphs and Combinatorics, Czechoslovak Mathematical Journal, Applied Mathematics and Computation等学术刊物上发表学术论文。

通讯地址:广西南宁市 信誉最好的20个网投网站




图论是一门古老而又年经的数学分支,主要研究用某种方式联系起来的若干事物之间的二元或多元关系。 关于图论的文字记载最早出现在欧拉 1736 年的论著中,即著名的哥尼斯堡七桥问题。 由于研究方法和内容的不同,图论已产生了若干分支,如代数图论、极值图论、随机图论、拓扑图论、拟阵理论、超图理论等。随着信息技术的发展,图论在算法、机器学习等方面有着越来越重要的应用。





4.广西自然科学基金:2018JJA110078, k-连通图相关问题研究,2019.3.1-2021.3.1,主持



[1].Guoli Ding, Chengfu Qin, Strengthened chain theorems for different versions of 4-connectivity, Discrete Mathematics 346 (2023) 113129.

[2]. Litao Guo, Chengfu Qin, Liqiong Xu, Subgraph fault tolerance of distance optimally edge connected, Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing, 138 (2020): 190–198

[3].Chengfu Qin, Weihua Yang, and Xiaofeng Guo, How to Contract a Vertex Transitive 5-Connected Graph, Discrete Dynamics in Nature and Society.2020, Article ID 9315494.

[4]. Chengfu Qin, Weihua Yang,  5-Shredders of Contraction-Critical 5-Connected Graphs, Parallel Processing Letters ,Vol. 30, No. 3 (2020)2040008.

[5]. Chengfu Qin, Weihua He, Kiyoshi.Ando, A constructive characterization of contraction critical 8-connected graph with minimum degree 9, Discrete Mathematics, 342(2019): 3047-3056.

[6]. Chengfu Qin, Litao Guo, Lexian HuangConnectivity of the graph induced by the contractible edges of a k-treeApplied Mathematics  and Computation35320191-6.

[7]. Chengfu QinGuoli  DingA Chain theorem of 4-connected graphJournal of Combinatorial TheorySeries B1342019341-349.

[8]. Chengfu Qin, Xiaofeng Guo, Kiyoshi.Ando, The removable edge and the contractible subgraph of 5-connected  graphs, Graphs and Combinatorics,31(2015) : 243254

[9]. Chengfu Qin, Xiaofeng Guo, Weihua Yang, The contractible subgraph of 5-connected  graphs, Czechoslovak Mathematical Journal138 (2013)671–677.

[10]. K. AndoChengfu Qin Some properties of minimally contraction critical 5-connected graphs, Discrete Mathematics,  311 (2011)1084–1097.

[11]. Chengfu Qin, Xudong Yuan, Jianji Su, Some properties of  contraction critical 5-connected graphs, Discrete Mathematics, 3082008):5742-5756.